Kentucky State Council Addresses E-Cigarette Regulations in March Session

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Kentucky State Council Addresses E-Cigarette Regulations in March Session
Kentucky lawmakers are tackling various e-cigarette issues this month, including restrictions on which products retailers can sell.

According to a report from on March 24th, the Kentucky state legislature is currently addressing several issues related to e-cigarettes this month. One of them involves which e-cigarette products retailers are allowed to sell.


Bill SB 344 requires e-cigarette manufacturers to register with the state government, which will release a catalog of products that meet the standards.


At the committee hearing, some e-cigarette store owners expressed concerns about the upcoming state sales ordinance, believing it would overly restrict their businesses. Democratic Senator David Yates also voiced opposition to the measure.


Due to the possibility of situations arising, all places that comply with regulations and act in accordance with them... Yes... we will restrict those places. But, will we have personnel to enforce all places selling inferior products? So, what we really should do is focus on enforcement.


London Republican Senator Brandon Storm stated that many e-cigarette shops have been working hard to comply with any new sales requirements. With less than a week left until the ten-day override period, the senator hopes that the bill will be considered and passed in the House of Representatives.


Another bill concerns students using e-cigarettes at school.


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