Lakehurst Lucky 7 Summoned for Illegal Sale of E-Cigarettes

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Lakehurst Lucky 7 Summoned for Illegal Sale of E-Cigarettes
New Jersey officials summon a business in Lakehurst for allegedly selling illegal e-cigarette products containing flavored tobacco.

According to a news report on September 22nd by newjersey.news12, officials in Ocean County, New Jersey have announced that a business located in Lakehurst has been subpoenaed for allegedly selling illegal e-cigarette products. Authorities state that the company, called "Lakehurst Lucky 7," was found to be selling flavored tobacco e-cigarette products on Highway 70. Law enforcement confiscated a total of 698 illegal products from the business.


Selling flavored tobacco products in the state of New Jersey is considered illegal. Joseph Vicari, an official from Ocean County, stated, "I can assure anyone attempting to sell illegal products in our county that the Consumer Affairs Department will remain vigilant and prosecute offenders accordingly.


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