Mississippi Governor Signs Revised Tobacco Tax Law on April 26

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Mississippi Governor Signs Revised Tobacco Tax Law on April 26
Mississippi Governor Signs Revised Tobacco Tax Law, including tax on heated tobacco products, expanding definitions, effective July 1.

According to a report by Bloombergtax on April 26, the governor of Mississippi signed a bill amending the tobacco tax law on that day.


The revised bill includes the following measures:


  • A consumer tax will be imposed on heated tobacco products, with a tax rate of 1.25 cents per disposable heated tobacco unit or stick. 
  • The definition of "tobacco" has been expanded to include heated tobacco products, and specific guidelines have been set for the definition of "heated tobacco products". 
  • Heated tobacco products will not be taxed as cigarettes, but rather as their own separate commodity. This law will go into effect on July 1st.


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