New Zealand Health Committee to Act on Smokefree 2050

New Zealand Health Committee to Act on Smokefree 2050
New Zealand lawmakers receive expert opinions to help achieve a smoke-free New Zealand by 2050.

Nancy Loucas, co-founder of AVCA, a New Zealand advocacy organization, stated that they greatly rely on members of Parliament to read and act upon the valuable opinions submitted to the Parliamentary Health Select Committee. These opinions provide expert and practical solutions to help New Zealand achieve a smoke-free country by 2050.

The Smoke-Free Environments and Regulated Products (Smoked Tobacco) Amendment Act limits the number of retailers who can sell smoked tobacco products in an effort to reduce the appeal and addictive nature of tobacco products. It also prohibits the sale of tobacco products to anyone born after 2009.

The latest smoke-free bill submitted by ASH (Action for Smokefree Aotearoa 2025) was jointly drafted by ASH Chairman Emeritus Professor Robert Beaglehole. The bill describes the current restrictions that limit general retailers to only sell tobacco, menthol, and closed e-cigarette systems, which are deemed counterproductive, flawed, and harmful.

According to the 2020 electronic cigarette law in New Zealand, general retailers such as supermarkets, gas stations and convenience stores are only allowed to sell three flavors, while specialized electronic cigarette shops can sell the full range.

ASH has proposed allowing the sale of two or more alternative fruit flavors in general retailers, believing that this will ensure that former smokers and those trying to quit can access popular flavors that aid in smoking cessation.

There is ample evidence to suggest that the use of fruit and other sweet-flavored electronic liquids is positively associated with smoking cessation among smokers... International evidence from four countries has concluded that individuals who use sweet-flavored e-cigarettes are 1.6 times more likely to stay smoke-free, whereas mint-flavored e-cigarette users are unlikely to remain smoke-free," wrote ASH.

Nancy Loucas commented, "I am glad that ASH has proposed flavor restrictions because they simply do not work and only lead to abnormal outcomes. The increasing presence of 'specialized e-cigarette shops' is actually in convenience stores or attached to them and operated by untrained staff, which is an unintended consequence of the general retail industry banning flavors. This needs urgent addressing.

Dr. Marewa Glover, co-submitter of the Smoke-free Environments (Vaping) Amendment Bill, has called on members of parliament to "reduce barriers to the use of electronic cigarettes." Professor Glover is a leading indigenous tobacco control expert in the world.

I oppose the proposal to ban in the bill. There are more empathetic and cost-effective ways to reduce smoking rates. One of them is to encourage switching to lower risk alternatives... It has been found that using e-cigarettes is more effective in helping people quit smoking than nicotine replacement therapy," wrote Professor Glover.

She pointed out that the government began the Vape2Quit Strong campaign in March 2021 through its health promotion agency. She believes that the campaign requires continued funding and optimization, and has the potential to be effective.

Clive Bates, a renowned international advocate for reducing the harm caused by tobacco based in London, has also submitted a bill to New Zealand aimed at restricting the availability and attractiveness of smoking.

He wrote, "In my view, it is best to concentrate policies and financial measures, supportive communication and healthcare practices on maximizing opportunities for smokers to switch to non-combustible alternatives to smoking products - namely, electronic cigarette products, heated and smokeless tobacco, and oral nicotine products.

Nancy Loucas summarised, "AVCA supports the general intention of this bill, but in order for New Zealand to become and remain smoke-free, a viable, cost-effective, and harm-reducing alternative is needed. This alternative is nicotine e-cigarettes. If parliament is serious about achieving a smoke-free Australia by 2025, they need to take note of the practical, evidence-based solution that is currently available to them.


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