Robberies Plague Cloudz Vape Shop Despite Legal Marijuana Industry

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Robberies Plague Cloudz Vape Shop Despite Legal Marijuana Industry
Cloudz Vape, a popular e-cigarette store in Seattle, has become a frequent target of robberies in recent months.

According to a report from KIRO News Radio, the Cloudz Vape e-cigarette store in the University Way district of Seattle has been targeted multiple times in recent months, including one incident involving the use of a stolen Kia car for a smash-and-grab style robbery.


Josh Young, the owner of Cloudz Vape, revealed that his store has incurred losses of approximately $5,000 in merchandise, with repair costs exceeding $20,000 for the storefront. Subsequent business losses are now eroding his profits.


Josh acknowledged that even though he had never considered himself a victim, he started feeling that way after Cloudz Vape was subjected to four consecutive cases of burglary. To make matters worse, he claimed that he witnessed juvenile offenders being released from prison at a faster rate than his store could be repaired, which led to concerns about the possibility of them striking again.


Currently, despite the legalization of marijuana in 18 states, banks and credit card companies remain cautious to cooperate with the industry due to its continued illegality at the federal level. Without the support of banks and credit card companies, the marijuana business heavily relies on cash, making them attractive targets for robbers.


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