Russian Resident to Stand Trial for Illegal Tobacco Sales

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Russian Resident to Stand Trial for Illegal Tobacco Sales
A 29-year-old resident of Medvezhyegorsk, Russia, is set to face trial for large-scale purchase, storage, transportation, and sale of unmarked tobacco products.

According to Russian media, on November 3rd, a 29-year-old resident of Medvezhyegorsk town in Russia will face trial for engaging in the large-scale purchase, storage, transportation, and sale of unmarked tobacco products.


According to the investigation, a businessman has been selling unlabeled tobacco products, including counterfeit tobacco tax stamps with Russian and foreign origins, in a rented store in the Medvezh'yegorsk district from January 2021 to August 2023. During this period, the individual purchased and sold illegal products worth over 2 million rubles (approximately $21,000).


According to the investigation, the businessman has previously sold 28,500 packs of unmarked cigarettes. The criminal case has now been brought to court.


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