Singapore Government Banning E-Cigarettes for Public Health Reasons

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Singapore Government Banning E-Cigarettes for Public Health Reasons
Singapore Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong stated that the ban on e-cigarettes in 2018 was due to public health concerns, not potential tax losses.

Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore, Lawrence Wong, stated that the ban on e-cigarettes in 2018 was driven by public health concerns, rather than worries over potential tax losses. This response comes in regard to Professor James Lim's questioning of whether the prohibition on e-cigarettes was motivated by potential tax revenue losses.


In a written response, Huang Xuncai stated that the purpose of the ban is to protect Singaporeans from the harms of e-cigarettes. He emphasized that potential tobacco tax revenue loss did not play a role in this decision.


In response to Professor Lin's proposal to legalize and tax e-cigarettes, Huang Xuncai stated that if the government chooses to legalize e-cigarettes and impose taxes, it will face similar challenges as with tobacco products. However, he emphasized that the government has no plans to change its current approach because the primary concern is to protect public health, especially that of young people.


In Singapore, e-cigarettes are currently illegal, and offenders may face fines of up to SGD 2,000 (approximately USD 1,480). The government has announced heightened scrutiny on e-cigarettes, including inspections at borders, business districts, shopping malls, and other public places, as well as monitoring illegal sales. Those found in violation of the ban may be subject to fines and potential imprisonment.


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