Statistics Show Northeast Lincolnshire and North Lincolnshire's Smoking Rates

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Statistics Show Northeast Lincolnshire and North Lincolnshire's Smoking Rates
According to UK media, smoking rates in Northeast Lincolnshire and North Lincolnshire have been revealed.

According to a report from the British media outlet Grimsby Telegraph on November 15th, the latest statistical data from the UK government reveals that the smoking rate in Northeast Lincolnshire is 19%, ranking second highest in the Humber region. Conversely, North Lincolnshire has a smoking rate of 13.8%.


UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has unveiled plans to implement a phased ban on smoking in order to protect children's health, with over 12,000 responses received during a government consultation. The proposed measures aim to restrict the use of e-cigarettes and prohibit the sale of tobacco products to children aged 14 and under. Sunak emphasized the significant importance of this ban in terms of future health outcomes and cost savings for the national healthcare system.


The city of Hull is leading the way in terms of smoking rates, with the local government allocating a significant amount of funding towards smoking cessation efforts. Currently, the government has provided a total of £70 million (approximately $86.77 million) in funding to the local council, aiming to assist their efforts in addressing the smoking issue. This amount is more than double the current funding.


Furthermore, Sunak emphasized the significant importance of this ban in terms of cost-saving for future healthcare and the national medical service system. Chief Medical Officer, Chris Whitty, underscored the health risks of smoking and the potential impact of the ban.


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