The Dangers of E-cigarette Usage among Underage Students

The Dangers of E-cigarette Usage among Underage Students
Brazilian police have seized 23 e-cigarettes during school investigations, highlighting the lack of regulations on underage usage.

In recent days, according to Brazilian media outlet Cronicadelquindi, police have seized a total of 23 e-cigarettes during investigations at schools since the beginning of this year.

Despite the presence of toxic chemicals in e-cigarettes that pose a risk to human health, as well as the highly addictive nature of nicotine in certain cases, the country has yet to establish specific regulations regarding the use of these devices by minors. E-cigarettes can be categorized as either nicotine electronic delivery systems (SEAN) or non-nicotine electronic systems (SESN).

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a warning stating that e-cigarette liquids, commonly known as e-liquids, may or may not contain nicotine (but do not contain tobacco), but they also typically contain harmful additives, flavors, and chemicals that can have negative effects on human health.

Despite the fact that e-cigarette products typically contain nicotine and other harmful substances to smokers and passive smokers, the World Health Organization (WHO) has also found that certain products claiming to be nicotine-free (SESN) actually do contain nicotine. Nicotine is highly addictive to the human body, and children who use nicotine are highly likely to become tobacco smokers in adulthood.

Moreover, recent studies indicate that using SEAN (Safe Electronic Alternatives to Nicotine) may increase the risk of heart disease and lung disease. Exposure to nicotine during pregnancy can have similar effects on fetal brain development, and e-cigarettes have also been linked to a range of physical injuries, including burns caused by e-cigarette explosions or mishandling.

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