The Potential Dangers of E-Cigarette Addiction and Its Effects

The Potential Dangers of E-Cigarette Addiction and Its Effects
Yasmin Brunet's revelation about quitting e-cigarette addiction sparks concern over its addictive nature and potential health hazards.

According to recent reports by Brazilian media outlet Delas, renowned model Yasmin Brunet recently revealed on the show "BBB" that she is quitting her dependence on e-cigarettes, sparking public concern over e-cigarette addiction. Despite the common belief that e-cigarettes are free of harmful substances, the reality is that they may pose greater risks to the body compared to traditional cigarettes and nicotine.

Psychologist Alexander Bez explains that "complete smoking cessation can lead to the loss of some addictive components." In the first week of not smoking, there may be some side effects such as irritability and emotional fluctuations due to the release of antioxidants like vitamin C. However, after a month, although individuals may feel psychologically fatigued, their bodies will become stronger.

Baez pointed out that symptoms of quitting smoking include emotional changes, difficulty concentrating, irritability, trembling, insomnia, and headaches, which can even affect marriage and sexual life.

According to Bess, it is crucial to seek psychological therapy for coping with the current health situation. Supporting occupational therapy measures, avoiding environments with smokers, engaging in physical exercise, and even considering pet ownership, such as getting a dog, can be beneficial.

Asmin Brunet once considered using cigarette smoking to suppress cravings for e-cigarettes, which raised public doubts about whether regular cigarettes and e-cigarettes have similar effects. However, e-cigarettes are considered more dangerous and may potentially cause bodily harm more quickly.

Baze issued a final warning, stating, "Experts caution that e-cigarettes may be even more harmful than traditional cigarettes, particularly in terms of addiction. In terms of mental health risks, e-cigarettes can exacerbate addiction, potentially leading to hallucinations, and negative effects on mental well-being can occur due to societal pressures and misconceptions about e-cigarette use.

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