Turkey Leads Global Smoking Rates with 17.1 Cigarettes Consumed Daily

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Turkey Leads Global Smoking Rates with 17.1 Cigarettes Consumed Daily
Turkey leads in global smoking rates with an average of 17.1 cigarettes daily per person, surpassing all other countries.

According to a report by hurriyetdailynews on January 20th, Turkey ranks first in global smoking rates, with an average of 17.1 cigarettes smoked per person per day, surpassing all other countries. Following closely are Greece, Israel, Japan, and Austria.


According to the report "Tobacco Control Program 2018-2023", at least one-fourth of Turkish residents aged 15 and above engage in smoking, totaling approximately 20 million smokers. Data from the European Union reveals that Turkey has the highest daily per capita cigarette consumption at 17.1 cigarettes, followed closely by Greece at 15.7 cigarettes. Israel and Japan both have a rate of 15.5 cigarettes, while Austria's rate stands at 15.4 cigarettes.


Global smoking trends are on the decline, but e-cigarettes are gaining popularity among young people as a substitute for traditional smoking. Experts warn that the chemical components of e-cigarettes are equally harmful as those found in regular cigarettes, emphasizing the need for smoking cessation rather than seeking alternative options.


The World Health Organization (WHO) has urged for urgent action to control the use of e-cigarettes in order to minimize potential hazards to public health. Despite a global decline in smoking trends, it remains crucial to address the issue of smoking and implement effective measures to encourage more people to quit smoking, thus ensuring overall public health.


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