Utah to Ban Sale of Flavored E-cigarettes and Disposable Devices from Jan 2025

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Utah to Ban Sale of Flavored E-cigarettes and Disposable Devices from Jan 2025
Utah Governor Spencer Cox signed a bill banning the sale of flavored e-cigarette products. The bill prohibits the sale of flavored e-cigarette cartridges and disposable devices, specifically targeting flavors such as fruit, candy, dessert, alcoholic beverages, spices, or mint. The ban will take effect on January 1, 2025.

According to abc4 reports on March 21, this Wednesday (March 20), Utah Governor Spencer Cox signed a bill banning the sale of flavored e-cigarette products in Utah.


Senate Bill 61 prohibits the sale of flavored e-cigarette cartridges and disposable devices, specifically targeting flavors such as fruit, candy, dessert, alcoholic beverages, spices, or mint. Mint and tobacco flavors will still be allowed. The ban will take effect on January 1, 2025.


The sponsor of the bill, Democratic Senator Jen Plumb, stated that the legislation aims to curb the popularity of flavored e-cigarettes among adolescents.


Initially, the bill included mint as an allowed flavor, but it was removed at the last minute when the agreement was reached. Plumb stated that the bill is not intended to cause traditional tobacco shops to go out of business but rather, "if we ban flavors, businesses will have to change their models."


However, Republican Senator Todd Weiler opposes the bill, believing that it will harm the hundreds of traditional tobacco shops that have emerged in Utah in recent years because these tobacco shops are the only places where flavored e-cigarette products can be sold. Last month, many protesters gathered outside the Capitol to oppose the bill, with protesting adults stating that they enjoy flavored e-cigarette products and that these products can help them quit more harmful cigarettes.


In addition to banning flavored e-cigarette products, the bill also prohibits the sale of any e-cigarette products not authorized by federal officials.

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