Voters in California to Decide on E-Cigarette Regulation and Tax Increase

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Voters in California to Decide on E-Cigarette Regulation and Tax Increase
California voters will vote on a proposal to regulate the e-cigarette industry and increase tobacco taxes.

According to a recent report by Scientific American, voters in California, United States, will soon have the opportunity to vote on a proposal aimed at regulating the e-cigarette industry and increasing tobacco taxes.


Proposal number 56 suggests raising the current tobacco sales tax from $0.87 to $2.87. The proposal also allows state governments to impose taxes on e-cigarette sales. However, this measure has faced opposition from those who argue that it will harm industries that help smokers quit.


California voters have not increased the state tobacco tax since 1998, in stark contrast to states like New York where the tobacco tax stands at $4.35 per pack.


Supporters of raising taxes believe that it is a necessary measure to deter people from smoking. However, California has one of the lowest smoking rates in the country, at only 12%. Meanwhile, advocates against smoking are also expressing concerns about the potential harm caused by e-cigarettes, as they believe that these devices are turning non-smokers into nicotine addicts.


Dr. Ted Mazer, President of the California Medical Association, has expressed serious concerns about the increasing prevalence of e-cigarettes, particularly among young people. In an interview with Science World Report, he stated, "We are facing an alarming new public health threat with the widespread use of e-cigarettes." He also criticized the fact that only a small portion of proposed taxes would actually be allocated towards services in California to support smokers in quitting.


According to a report by the National Public Radio (NPR) in the United States, only 13% of the annual revenue of $1.4 billion generated from this tax will be allocated towards smoking cessation programs.


Steven Greenhut, the Western Regional Director of the R Street Institute in the United States, stated in an interview with NPR:


Empower individuals to make their own choices. E-cigarettes are not completely safe. However, it is evident that e-cigarettes pose significantly lower risks compared to smoking.


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