Warning Issued by Ohio Health Department on Child E-cigarette Injuries

Warning Issued by Ohio Health Department on Child E-cigarette Injuries
The Ohio Department of Health (ODH) has issued a warning about the increasing number of child e-cigarette-related injuries.

According to a report by WOIO on October 19th, the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) has issued a warning due to an increase in cases of children being harmed by e-cigarettes. Dr. Bruce Vanderhoff, Director of ODH, stated that the number of reported incidents of e-cigarette liquid exposure reported to the Ohio Poison Center has nearly doubled since 2015.

Warning Issued by Ohio Health Department on Child E-cigarette Injuries
Translate to English: Since 2015, reports of e-cigarette liquid exposure in Ohio have doubled. Image source: ODH.

He stated that most of these injuries affect children aged 5 and below, with various forms of harm including swallowing e-cigarette liquid, inhaling smoke, and absorption through the skin or eyes.

According to the Ohio Department of Health (ODH), symptoms of exposure to e-cigarette liquid may include mild nausea and vomiting. However, in cases of heavy exposure, it may have an impact on heart rate or blood pressure, and can potentially lead to seizures.

I believe many Ohioans are unaware of these very real risks, and I hope that individuals with e-cigarette items at home realize the potential dangers they pose to children.

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