ASA Rules Against ELFBAR's Promotional Claims on Website

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ASA Rules Against ELFBAR's Promotional Claims on Website
The UK Advertising Standards Authority has ruled that Flavor Warehouse Ltd t/a ELFBAR violated advertising guidelines on their website.

Recently, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) in the UK has ruled against Flavor Warehouse Ltd trading as ELFBAR. The ASA has investigated a total of ten different issues and has found all of them to be upheld.


ELFBAR has recently faced complaints about its promotional content on its website, with multiple statements being deemed promotional and in violation of advertising guidelines. The complaints involved several statements, including the claim that their product is the "best-selling disposable e-cigarette" and the assertion that there are "various delicious flavors" available. In addition, the company promoted its loyalty program and blog content related to its e-cigarette products.


The ASA considers these statements and content to be promotional in nature, and according to advertising guidelines, unauthorized nicotine content e-cigarettes and e-liquids can only publish factual information on their official website, and cannot be used for promotional purposes.


ELFBAR explained that they have removed excessive claims, tagging, and loyalty content, but they also insisted that certain statements are fact-based, such as the sales performance of their e-cigarette products in the UK. However, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) believes that these statements go beyond factual descriptions and have a promotional nature, thus breaching advertising guidelines.


Against this complaint backdrop, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) of the United Kingdom has demanded Flavor Warehouse Ltd, trading as Elfbar, to remove any statements found to be in violation of the code and ensure they refrain from using unauthorized promotional declarations regarding nicotine-containing e-cigarettes or e-cigarette liquids on their website.


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