"Banning Tobacco Flavors to Protect Children" Campaign in Vermont

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"Banning Tobacco Flavors to Protect Children" Campaign in Vermont
50 Vermont organizations have urged legislators to ban flavored tobacco sales to protect children from addiction and harm.

Recently, according to a report by Vermont Business Magazine, the "Ban Flavored Tobacco Targeting Kids" campaign and the "Vermont Tobacco-Free Alliance" announced that 50 Vermont organizations have co-signed a letter to the Vermont House Committee on Health and Human Services, urging lawmakers to cease the sale of flavored tobacco.


The letter advocates for the passage of the S.18 Bill, which has already been reviewed by the Senate and is set to be deliberated by the House committee later this week.


The list of organizations supporting the bill includes the Vermont Medical Society, the University of Vermont Children's Hospital, the NAACP Windham County, Outright Vermont, Prevention Works VT, VT Recovery, the American Heart Association, the American Lung Association, the Smoke-Free Kids Campaign, and the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network.


Wichie Artu, a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Wyndham County, stated, "Tobacco companies have mercilessly targeted the Black community with mint-flavored advertisements, using aggressive marketing strategies to attract new users and profit from their addiction. It is imperative that we remove these deadly products from the market. Vermont legislators need to prioritize the health of Vermont residents over the profits of big tobacco companies.


Jay Nichols, director of the Vermont Principals' Association, highlighted that school leaders across the state are witnessing a growing number of students becoming addicted to nicotine due to e-cigarettes. "The allure of e-cigarettes typically begins with flavored e-cigarette products enticing our children, leading them to become 'hooked' from their adolescence. We are aware that nearly all of these children are using flavored products.


According to a public opinion survey released in December last year, 68% of residents in Vermont support legislation to ban the sale of flavored tobacco products. Vermont Governor Scott stated in a press conference on January 10th that if this bill were to be presented to him, he would likely sign it into law.


The "Ban on Tobacco Flavors Endangering Children" initiative in Vermont has brought together the Vermont Smoke-Free Alliance and dozens of local, state, and national organizations committed to protecting children from all tobacco products and addiction.


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