Belgium to Ban Sales of Disposable E-Cigarettes from 2025

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Belgium to Ban Sales of Disposable E-Cigarettes from 2025
Belgium's Minister of Public Health, Frank Vandenbroucke, plans to ban sales of disposable e-cigarette products from 2025.

In recent news, according to Moustique's report, Belgian Minister of Public Health, Frank Vandenbroucke, announced during a parliamentary plenary session his firm plans to tackle the use of e-cigarettes. Starting from 2025, he intends to ban the sale of disposable e-cigarette products.


According to a survey released by the Belgian Cancer Foundation, 35% of young people aged 15 to 20 have used e-cigarettes, with 32% using them within the past year.


Fangdeng Bruck responded to the questions of the members with a five-point action plan. He emphasized, "Sale of e-cigarettes to minors is prohibited."


As a result, he aims to establish a "mystery shopper" system to penalize stores that violate the law.


In addition, Van Den Brook stated that he is studying a bill that would require businesses to ask for a customer's age when they appear to be under 25 years old.


The minister stated that efforts are being made to ban the use of disposable e-cigarettes. Vanderbrook noted that Belgium is already at the forefront in Europe regarding this issue, as it was submitted to the European Commission in 2021, and additional reasons were recently presented by the minister. He hopes to receive a positive response by early next year and plans to prohibit the sale of such products from 2025 onwards. Additionally, from early next year, the sale of e-cigarettes with lights and other gimmicks will also be prohibited.


In addition, he also hopes to ban the display of e-cigarette products in storefronts or display cases.


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