California Legislators Strengthen Enforcement of Ban on Flavored Tobacco Products

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California Legislators Strengthen Enforcement of Ban on Flavored Tobacco Products
California lawmaker Jim Wood is taking action against flavored tobacco products with a new bill to strengthen enforcement.

According to a report from KSRO, California North Bay Area Congressman Jim Wood is taking more action against flavored tobacco products.


He introduced a bill aimed at strengthening enforcement of the current law banning the sale of flavored tobacco products in California. Despite the current law prohibiting retail sales, flavored tobacco products are still being sold in California.


The bill, known as AB 3218, will take multiple measures to address this issue, including establishing a legal product list available for public reference, imposing penalties on distributors selling products not included on the list, and clearly stating that products with an obvious cooling or numbing sensation are also defined as "characterizing flavors" in tobacco products.


The bill is sponsored by California Attorney General Rob Bonta, with key collaboration from Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas.


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