Call for Ban on Disposable E-Cigarettes in Winchester City

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Call for Ban on Disposable E-Cigarettes in Winchester City
Hampshire Chronicle reports that government officials in Winchester, UK are calling for a ban on disposable e-cigarettes due to rising usage among 11-18 year-olds.

According to a recent report by Hampshire Chronicle, municipal officials in Winchester, United Kingdom are calling for a ban on the sale of disposable e-cigarettes. The latest data reveals that the number of individuals aged 11 to 18 using e-cigarettes has increased from 4% in 2021 to 8.6% in 2022.


James Barton MP proposed this motion during the Winchester City Council general assembly.


E-cigarette products play a significant role in assisting adults in quitting smoking, however, they are not without risks. Particularly for those who have never smoked," said Barton.


The committee considers disposable e-cigarettes to be essentially non-sustainable products, which means that a complete ban continues to be the most effective solution to address this issue.


Bartow supports the call from the Local Government Association to ban the sale and manufacturing of disposable e-cigarettes by the end of next year. They also advocate for regulating disposable e-cigarette products in a similar manner as other disposable items, such as banning the use of plastic straws.


In addition, the committee leader Martin Tod will write a letter to the Minister of Health and Social Care expressing support for the ban on disposable e-cigarette products. The committee will also respond to any future consultations on banning the sale and manufacture of disposable e-cigarette products by endorsing such prohibitions.


Legislator Kelsie Learney stated, "I am deeply concerned about the well-being of young people and their health. E-cigarettes are too affordable and easily accessible. We must address this issue." The motion received support from 29 legislators, with 4 abstentions.


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