Covert hiding places used to store illegal tobacco and e-cigarettes.

Covert hiding places used to store illegal tobacco and e-cigarettes.
UK police and Trading Standards officials discovered over £100,000 worth of illegal tobacco and e-cigarettes in two shops in Dewsbury.

According to a report from Talkingretail, the police in West Yorkshire, UK, in collaboration with the Trading Standards Agency, recently carried out a joint operation where they conducted surprise raids on two shops in the town of Dewsbury. During these raids, they seized tobacco and e-cigarettes worth over £100,000. It was found that some of the confiscated e-cigarette liquid exceeded the legal limit of 2 milliliters for disposable e-cigarettes.

Covert hiding places used to store illegal tobacco and e-cigarettes.
Hideout | Image Source: Talkingretail

A search dog discovered secret concealed items in a hidden wall behind a bathroom mirror, which had the ability to slide up and down within its frame. Stuart Clarke, patrol captain of the Dusbury and Milford community police force, described the clever methods used to hide illegal products.

He mentioned, "Some shops hide tobacco in specially designed hiding places, evoking thoughts of James Bond-style secret devices." He further added, "In one case, the removal of a fake fuse on an electrical consumption panel revealed a secret storage cabinet filled with illegal tobacco.

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