Fire Damages Raleigh Store, Investigations Underway, No Injuries Reported

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Fire Damages Raleigh Store, Investigations Underway, No Injuries Reported
A store in Raleigh, North Carolina, suffered severe damage in a fire, with no casualties reported.

According to a WNCN report on January 6th, a store in Raleigh, North Carolina, suffered severe damage in a fire.


According to Captain Preston Gaster of the Rolesville Fire Department, a fire broke out at 9101 Leesville Road, near Fairbanks Drive, before 12:30 p.m. this afternoon. Around 45 firefighters and two firetrucks fought the blaze for approximately 20 minutes until it was brought under control.


Gaste emphasized that the fire originated in a room inside a tobacco shop, and also highlighted the uncertainty surrounding the possibility of the shop reopening after such significant damage.


In addition, according to Gaste, the store adjacent to the tobacco shop has suffered from minor smoke contamination. It has currently been closed but is expected to reopen later. The investigation into the cause of the fire is still ongoing, fortunately, no reports of casualties have been made.


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