Ineffective Enforcement of E-Cigarette Sales Restrictions to Minors

Regulations by
Ineffective Enforcement of E-Cigarette Sales Restrictions to Minors
Swiss law prohibiting e-cigarette sales to minors fails to be effectively enforced, as a study reveals 25% of retailers still sell to them.

According to a report by Swiss media outlet RSI on January 16th, a series of inspections conducted in the Canton of Ticino, Switzerland, revealed that the regulations prohibiting the sale of e-cigarettes (e-cigs) to individuals below 18 years of age are not being effectively enforced.


In the inspection conducted by Radix Health Department in the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland, a quarter of the 112 surveyed sales points were found to still provide e-cigarettes and similar products to minors, with these sales points being in close proximity to 21 middle schools.


Since the amendment of the Health Law on June 1, 2023, the age restrictions on e-cigarettes have become stricter. The amendment requires e-cigarette retailers to request identification from customers when there are doubts about their age.


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