Investors Inquire about Jinjia's Plan for Domestic E-cigarette Sales

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Investors Inquire about Jinjia's Plan for Domestic E-cigarette Sales
Investors inquire about Jinjia (002191) applying to sell its own e-cigarette brand domestically this year, company plans overseas sales.

Recently, investors inquired on the investor interaction platform about whether Jinjia Group (002191) has plans to reapply for domestic sales of its own e-cigarette brand this year.

Investors Inquire about Jinjia's Plan for Domestic E-cigarette Sales
Question and Answer | Image source: Interactive Easy


In response, Jingjia Corporation stated that, based on the relevant e-cigarette regulations in China and considering market conditions, the company's own brand of e-cigarette products are not sold domestically and are primarily marketed towards overseas regions.


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