Ispire's Stock Price Decreases by 5.7% on Nasdaq

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Ispire's Stock Price Decreases by 5.7% on Nasdaq
Ispire's stock price dropped 5.7% on March 18, hitting a low of $9.25 before closing at $9.69 on Nasdaq.

According to the Nasdaq Stock Exchange, on March 18th, the stock price of Ispire dropped by 5.7%. The lowest price of the company's stock was $9.25, with the closing price at $9.69. During trading, the company had a trading volume of 63,375 shares, a decrease of 32% compared to the average volume of 93,364 shares. The stock's previous closing price was $10.28.


Ispire Technology is primarily engaged in the research and development, design, commercial production, sales, marketing, and distribution of e-cigarette and cannabis vaporization products, with operations spanning globally. The company was founded in 2019 and is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, under the ownership of Pride Worldwide Investment Limited.


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