Joint Report to Participate in Government Consultation on Youth E-cigarettes

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Joint Report to Participate in Government Consultation on Youth E-cigarettes
Bromsgrovestandard reports that Bromsgrove District Council members plan to join government consultations on tackling youth e-cigarette use.

According to Bromsgrovestandard, council members in the Bromsgrove District of the United Kingdom will team up to submit a report in order to participate in the government's consultation on dealing with teenage e-cigarette usage.


The parliament will convene a special working group meeting to discuss this issue and provide a formal response to the government's consultation on "creating a smoke-free generation and addressing teenage e-cigarette problems".


This working group was proposed by Conservative Party leader Karen May. Prior to this, a motion put forward by Labour Party member Esther Gray on October 25th sparked a heated debate in a parliamentary meeting. The motion called for stricter restrictions on the sale of disposable e-cigarettes and American candy stores targeted towards children. All parliamentary members interested in addressing the issue of youth e-cigarette problems in this district and nationwide have been invited to participate.


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