Kaival Launches PMI’s Veeba Disposable in Canada

Innovation by Vapor Voice

Kaival Brands Innovations Group (KBI) announced the launch of Philip Morris International’s Veeba disposable e-cigarette in Canada.

Kaival Launches PMI’s Veeba Disposable in Canada

In June, Kaival and PMI signed an agreement for the development and distribution of electronic nicotine-delivery system products in markets outside of the U.S.

“The agreement with Philip Morris Products was a remarkable accomplishment for the company, and now we have advanced to the next phase of international distribution with the actual launch of their custom branded product, Veeba,” said Eric Mosser, president and chief operating officer of Kaival Brands, in a statement.


“We are excited to support PMI’s efforts to provide a range of alternatives compared to cigarettes. The commercialization of Veeba complements PMI’s already strong smoke-free portfolio, providing adult smokers with an even broader range of usage, taste, price and technology options.”


The agreement licenses PMI to manufacture, promote, sell and distribute the Bidi Stick and any newly developed devices in certain markets outside of the United States, with potential royalties owed to KBI.


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