Kazakhstan District Government Sells Confiscated E-Cigs to Public before Nationwide Ban

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Kazakhstan District Government Sells Confiscated E-Cigs to Public before Nationwide Ban
Kazakhstan government's decision to sell confiscated e-cigarette products sparks controversy amidst nationwide ban.

According to a report by Lada on January 29th, the government of Kazakhstan recently announced a nationwide ban on the sale of e-cigarettes. This controversial bill has been passed and is currently awaiting the approval of President Tokayev.


However, before the law officially came into effect, the Karabalik district government took an unprecedented action by deciding to sell all the confiscated e-cigarette products.


On January 24th, the government of Kazakhstan announced a complete ban on the sale of e-cigarettes. Although this legislation is pending the president's signature, the Karabalyk District government has swiftly decided to dispose of the confiscated e-cigarettes through an auction.


The Karabalik District government has chosen to sell these e-cigarette products on the Kazakhstan government auction website, with an initial price of 2.4 million tenge. The actual selling price will gradually decrease based on bidding. The total confiscated e-cigarette batch consists of 290 products, estimated to be worth approximately 1.9 million tenge.


The e-cigarettes and electronic pods, sourced from the "TK-LUCH" company, were illegally transported from Russia to Kazakhstan. The government has decided to sell these confiscated goods to the public, which has sparked some controversy.


It is noteworthy that these e-cigarettes being sold are not personal properties of government officials, but rather illegally transported contraband. This action has sparked controversy in Kazakhstan, where e-cigarettes are banned nationwide, leading to differing opinions among the public regarding local government decisions.


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