Macau strengthens anti-smoking efforts: report

Macau increases anti-smoking efforts, with 149,748 site inspections resulting in 933 violations recorded in H1 2021.

Macao intensifies its anti-smoking efforts as the government's Health Bureau recently released enforcement data on August 16th. According to the report, smoking control personnel checked 149,748 venues in the first half of the year, representing a 2.3% increase from the same period last year.

During the period of inspection, there were 115,707 daytime inspections and 34,041 nighttime inspections conducted. In the places inspected at night, shops and shopping malls were still the main focus, accounting for 47%, followed by inspections of eateries, accounting for 27.4%. Other places including game centers, internet cafes, saunas and bars made up 25.6%.

Statistics show that in the first half of this year, Macao's tobacco control enforcement recorded a total of 933 prosecutions, including 918 cases of smoking violations, 7 cases of selling tobacco products that do not comply with labeling requirements, 6 cases of selling tobacco products in shelf form, and 2 cases of illegal sale of electronic cigarettes. The most prosecuted types of illegal venues are restaurants, parks/gardens and recreational areas, and other indoor places for collective use.

According to Macau's laws, smoking is prohibited in all public indoor areas and within 10 meters of bus stops, except for smoking rooms that meet the required standards and have obtained licenses in the airport and casinos. The Health Bureau has stated that in order to protect the rights of non-smokers, smoking control officers will enforce the law strictly, and all reports will be followed up on confidentially.

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