New Law in Russia: Ban on Minors Entering Hookah Bars

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New Law in Russia: Ban on Minors Entering Hookah Bars
Russia's Republic of Tatarstan plans to ban minors from entering hookah lounges and smoking designated areas, aiming to combat youth smoking.

According to a report by the Russian media outlet Inkazan, a new bill in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, plans to prohibit minors from entering establishments that offer hookah services, as well as designated areas for smoking.


A report highlights that despite the ban on selling tobacco to minors, such incidents occur every year. According to statistics, there were over 30 cases of such incidents in both 2021 and 2022, but the number has reduced to 25 cases in 2023. This issue is not only prevalent in major cities but also frequently occurs in the Kazan region.


MP Naumova stated that this bill will contribute to a stronger resistance against youth smoking. The bill was passed unanimously.


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