New York City Schools Receive Funding to Combat E-Cigarette Use

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New York City Schools Receive Funding to Combat E-Cigarette Use
NYC Public Schools Receive $282,000 Grant to Fight Teen E-cigarette Use. Training for educators and awareness campaigns to be implemented.

According to a report by Gothamist on November 2nd, the New York City Department of Education has announced that New York City public schools will receive a grant of $282,000 from the New York Health Foundation. The fund will be used to expand an initiative aimed at preventing children from using e-cigarettes and smoking.


The use of e-cigarettes among teenagers continues to be a significant public health issue within the New York area.


According to the New York Education Department, a program called "CATCH My Breath" has been implemented in some New York City schools in 2018. The program aims to provide educators with evidence-based training on e-cigarette use. Despite the lack of local funding, this initiative is being operated by Catch Global Foundation, a non-profit health education organization based in Texas.


The New York City Department of Education has announced that $282,000 in funding will be allocated over the next three years to train up to 315 health educators. These educators will be responsible for delivering impactful presentations on the dangers of e-cigarettes to a maximum of 180 middle and high schools using engaging and memorable techniques.


Starting next year, the city will also offer students the opportunity to participate in a service-learning program related to e-cigarettes and invite them to join a city-wide public service campaign against e-cigarettes.


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