PMI South Africa: Tobacco Control Bill Hinders Smoke-Free Alternatives

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PMI South Africa: Tobacco Control Bill Hinders Smoke-Free Alternatives
The South African government's tobacco control bill fails to provide alternatives for adult smokers, according to Philip Morris South Africa.

According to a report by iol media on January 22nd, Philip Morris South Africa (PMSA) issued a statement stating that the Tobacco Control and Electronic Delivery Systems Act approved by the South African Cabinet last year failed to provide adult smokers with alternatives to traditional tobacco products.


Branislav Bibic, the Director of PMSA, expressed concerns that the current form of the bill would undermine the opportunity for South African adults to seek smoke-free alternatives, which would have a significant negative impact on those individuals struggling to quit smoking. He pointed out that the bill also undermines the efforts of adult smokers who have already opted for better alternatives such as heated tobacco products and e-cigarettes.


Beebeechi emphasized their support for the government's determination to address tobacco issues but called for a dialogue with regulatory agencies on how to conveniently use appropriate products within the existing framework. He stated, "Before making any decisions, we need the right regulatory framework, encouragement and support from civil society, and full recognition of science.


He explained that the proposed bill should create possibilities for the nation by distinguishing scientifically verified non-combustible tobacco products from traditional cigarettes. However, the bill hinders South African smokers from using these scientifically verified products as smoking alternatives. Although these smokeless products are not risk-free and contain addictive nicotine, they are considered a better choice compared to continued smoking.


Despite being among the top tobacco users globally, South Africa still faces issues with smoking. Bibiće suggests that both the government and the industry need to make more efforts to decrease smoking rates. He believes that providing reduced combustion products such as e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products can be a positive option for adults who choose to continue smoking. He emphasizes the need for collaborative action from the government, policymakers, and public health institutions to achieve this goal.


He emphasized the importance of consulting other stakeholders, healthcare professionals, and industry organizations in order for policymakers to hear all voices. Bibitchi stated, "It is unethical to withhold accurate information about tobacco alternatives that can reduce the burden on society caused by smoking." He called for addressing misinformation with facts and science in order to achieve a smoke-free future more quickly. Bibitchi expressed, "Regulation and support for tobacco alternatives have already been successful in other countries, and we have an opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to public health.


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