Russian Duma Proposes Criminalizing Tobacco and Nicotine Advertising

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Russian Duma Proposes Criminalizing Tobacco and Nicotine Advertising
According to Duma TV, the Russian State Duma is working on a law that criminalizes tobacco promotion to combat underage smoking.

According to Duma TV, a member of the Russian State Duma's Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, Biesultan Khamzayev, has stated that the Duma is currently working towards enacting a law that will criminalize tobacco and nicotine product promotion in an effort to reduce the smoking rate among minors. The aim of this legislation is to crackdown on any form of advertising or promotion of tobacco and nicotine products, including traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and vaping.


According to Hamzeyev, as revealed in the initial draft of the law, instigating individuals under the age of 18 to smoke would result in administrative consequences followed by criminal charges. The offenders would be subject to a fine of 100,000 rubles, or one year's income, or 240 hours of community service, or a year-long restriction of their freedom.


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