Survey Shows Different Opinions on Handling Confiscated Tobacco Products

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Survey Shows Different Opinions on Handling Confiscated Tobacco Products
According to a survey on, 43% believe confiscated tobacco and e-cigarettes should be destroyed, while 25% say parents should be responsible.

According to a survey released on November 29th on the website, more than 43% of respondents believe that confiscated tobacco and e-cigarettes from students should not only be confiscated but also destroyed.


In addition, a quarter of the "moderate" respondents believe that confiscated items should be returned to the parents of the students, allowing them to take responsibility for their own children.


Meanwhile, 21% of individuals advocate for surrendering all confiscated items in schools to the police, allowing them to handle the matter in accordance with the law.


Only 5% of the surveyed students support smoking, adamantly insisting that teachers have no right to confiscate any personal belongings of students.


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