Seizure of Suspicious Vehicle with 1205 E-Cigarettes in Turkey

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Seizure of Suspicious Vehicle with 1205 E-Cigarettes in Turkey
Turkish gendarmerie seize 1,205 e-cigarettes worth 700,000 Turkish lira in Kocaeli province, detaining three suspects.

According to the latest update, the gendarmerie headquarters in the Kocaeli province of Turkey intercepted a suspicious vehicle during a routine inspection in the Gebze area. A thorough search was conducted, leading to the discovery of 1,205 e-cigarettes valued at 700,000 Turkish lira (approximately 180,000 Chinese yuan) inside the vehicle.


Three suspects involved in the incident were detained for questioning. After giving their statements, one of them was transferred to court, while the other two were released under judicial supervision.


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