Support for Statewide Smoke-Free Law in Pennsylvania: New Survey

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Support for Statewide Smoke-Free Law in Pennsylvania: New Survey
Pennsylvania Tobacco Control Alliance released new survey data on March 19, showing overwhelming support for statewide smoke-free law.

According to a report from abc27 on March 20th, the Pennsylvania Tobacco Control Alliance released new poll data on Tuesday (March 19th). The poll asked Pennsylvania voters whether they would support or oppose a statewide law that protects people from secondhand smoke by making all public places, such as restaurants, bars, and casinos, completely smoke-free. The results showed that 75% of respondents said they would support the smoke-free policy, while 8% were neutral. The poll was in response to Bill 1665, which seeks to amend the Clean Indoor Air Act. Currently, the bill is awaiting its first review.


The publicity director of the state's Lung Association, Aimee Van Cleave, stated, "This data shows that smoke-free policies are not only the right step to protect public health, but also are warmly welcomed among the population in Pennsylvania. Regardless of their geographic region or political party, it is now time for lawmakers to protect the public from the harms of secondhand smoke.


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