Former Brazilian Health Regulator: E-cig should be Regulated rather than Prohibited

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Former Brazilian Health Regulator: E-cig should be Regulated rather than Prohibited
Former president of Brazil's health regulator, Anvisa, Gonzalo Vecina Neto, suggests monitoring e-cigarettes is preferable to illegal trade.

In a recent interview, Former President of the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), Gonzalo Vecina Neto, stated that although e-cigarette products are "harmful to health," he believes that monitoring them would be far better than the current illegal trade situation. He also mentioned that this decision is expected to take some time.


Wechiner served as the first chairman of Anvisa from 1999 to 2003. In 2009, the organization prohibited e-cigarettes. In 2022, the ban remains in place, but the topic continues to be debated within the institution.


The current president of Anvisa, Antonio Barra Torres, has stated his intent to initiate a public consultation on this matter.


Weiner voiced his opposition to the use of e-cigarettes, but stated that he believes regulating consumption is a better approach than the current situation of illegal trade in the country.


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