Tragic Death: Brazilian Man Electrocuted While Using E-Cigarette

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Tragic Death: Brazilian Man Electrocuted While Using E-Cigarette
A 20-year-old man in Betolínia City, Brazil tragically died from an electric shock while using a charging e-cigarette.

According to Brazilian media portalodia, a 20-year-old man living in the city of Belterolândia died from electric shock last Sunday (March 10) while using a charging e-cigarette.


According to the Forensic Medical Institute (IML), the young man's death occurred instantly. At the time, he was in his room using an e-cigarette when the charging outlet experienced a power short circuit, ultimately resulting in his unfortunate death from electrocution.


The e-cigarette currently being used by the young person has also been confiscated and will undergo technical examination.


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