Australian Government Implements Strict Regulations on E-Cigarettes From 2024

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Australian Government Implements Strict Regulations on E-Cigarettes From 2024
Australia tightens regulations on e-cigarettes, imposing import bans and restrictions on nicotine sales, prompting concerns about black market activity.

According to a report from the Australian Department of Health website on May 13th, the Australian government has recently implemented strict regulations on the e-cigarette industry in order to curb excessive tobacco consumption and control tobacco-related harm, introducing new legislative measures.


Starting in 2024, Australia has imposed import bans on two types of e-cigarette products. As of January 1, 2024, the import of disposable e-cigarettes is prohibited domestically. From March 1, 2024, the import of non-therapeutic e-cigarettes is also prohibited. In addition, retailers are prohibited from selling nicotine-containing e-cigarettes without a prescription.


Due to new regulations, e-cigarette retailers in Australia have only a limited time to dispose of their stock of disposable and non-therapeutic e-cigarettes. However, this move has raised questions about some retailers falsely claiming to sell e-cigarettes, sparking calls for the government to strengthen industry regulations.


According to citizen reports, some e-cigarette retail stores with simple decorations and few customers are actually operated by closely-knit family groups. While they may appear to be legitimate businessmen, there could be suspicions of setting up fake stores to cover up other illegal activities through the sale of e-cigarettes. In light of this situation, the Australian government should increase regulatory efforts to prevent "legitimate businessmen" from profiting from this.


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