Brazilian Tax Bureau Arrests Driver with THC in E-Cigarettes

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Brazilian Tax Bureau Arrests Driver with THC in E-Cigarettes
Brazilian authorities arrest driver for transporting e-cigarettes containing THC in Parana state, first case of its kind in region.

According to a report from on March 28th, the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service arrested a driver in the state of Paraná who was transporting e-cigarettes. The investigation revealed that the e-cigarettes carried by the driver contained tetrahydrocannabinol, abbreviated as THC, a component of marijuana.


According to Officer Reginaldo Cezar Cardozo, this is the first time that products containing this substance have been found in the Rendirna area.


This product is legal in some countries, but not in Brazil. This is not even a case of smuggling, but an international drug trafficking case.


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