Emergency Administrative Injunction Temporarily Lifted Vuse Alto Mint E-cigarette Ban

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Emergency Administrative Injunction Temporarily Lifted Vuse Alto Mint E-cigarette Ban
Renault's e-cigarette subsidiary, RJRV, secures temporary relief from FDA ban on Vuse Alto mint-flavored e-cigarettes.

According to CSnews, RJRV, the e-cigarette company owned by Renault, has obtained an emergency administrative injunction from the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, temporarily suspending the sales ban imposed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on the mint-flavored Vuse Alto e-cigarette (MODs).


This decision means that these e-cigarette products will continue to be available on store shelves across the United States.


British American Tobacco (BAT) subsidiary, Reynolds Marketing Services Co. (RMSC), wrote in a letter addressed to retail and wholesale customers:


We have full confidence in the quality of RJRV's applications, which are based on years of scientific research and investigation. We believe these applications contain sufficient evidence for the FDA to determine that the sale of these products is appropriate for protecting public health.


The letter also noted, "The RJRV's application for Vuse Alto shares a common scientific foundation with the applications for Vuse Vibe, Vuse Solo, and Vuse Ciro, which have all received sales authorization for original flavors in October 2021 and May 2022, representing the widest combination of sales authorizations offered by any company in the United States. During the suspension period, Vuse Alto mint-flavored e-cigarettes can still be sold."


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