FDA Launches Searchable Tobacco Product Database for Retailers Compliance

Regulations by 2FIRSTS.ai
FDA Launches Searchable Tobacco Product Database for Retailers Compliance
FDA launches searchable database for tobacco products, providing key information for retailers and public, accessible at www.fda.gov/searchtobacco.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the FDA has launched a searchable tobacco product database. This is a new user-friendly list that allows individuals to search for tobacco products (including e-cigarettes) legally available for sale in the United States. The database is designed to provide key information to the public, particularly retailers, all in one easily accessible place. This database is updated monthly and can be accessed at www.fda.gov/searchtobacco.


FDA Launches Searchable Tobacco Product Database for Retailers Compliance
Source of image: fda www.fda.gov/searchtobacco


In the database, the FDA provides information on three categories of products:


  • New tobacco products authorized for the market through one of three marketing pathways by the FDA; 
  • Existing tobacco products established through voluntary determinations (on the market since February 15, 2007); 
  • Temporary tobacco products that have been removed from review.


"The Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) remains committed to providing information that enhances transparency in a useful, timely, and user-friendly manner. We hope this database will become an asset to all parties, including retailers, and will be used to promote compliance with regulations," said Dr. Brian King, Director of the FDA Center for Tobacco Products.


At the time of launch, the database contained nearly 17,000 tobacco products, with over 12,000 being existing tobacco products. For each entry, the FDA provides information about the tobacco product, including the product name, company, category, subcategory, authorized agency for sale in the US, and the date of FDA action.


In addition, the database also includes links to regulatory and scientific documents, such as ordering letters, decision summaries, as well as environmental assessments (EAs) and related documents associated with tobacco product applications.


In order to help explain some terminology and background information of the database content, the FDA has also developed a searchable Tobacco Product Database - Additional information webpage. This webpage also includes answers to potential questions about the database, including questions about unauthorized products pending applications. Generally, the FDA cannot provide information about pending applications to protect proprietary information. Additionally, for new products that require authorization, a pending application does not mean that the product can be safely marketed.


The launch of this public database is part of the center's ongoing commitment to providing resources for regulated industries and clearly communicating agency actions to the public. Other recent activities aimed at enhancing transparency include the listing of activities in the center's quarterly updates on evaluations conducted by the Reagan-Yudell Foundation.


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