Forbes Study: E-cigarette is Better Aid for Quitting Smoking

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Forbes Study: E-cigarette is Better Aid for Quitting Smoking
E-cigarettes more effective in helping smokers quit than traditional methods, according to recent study in emergency medical journal.

According to the latest report from Forbes, e-cigarettes can help people quit smoking, even more successfully than traditional methods like nicotine patches. Recent experimental results published in an emergency medical journal show that among nearly 1000 smokers waiting in the emergency rooms of six hospitals in the UK, those who were given e-cigarettes were more likely to successfully quit smoking compared to those who only received written guidance for quitting. The success rate of those who received e-cigarettes was 76% higher.


According to a recent study published in the Emergency Medicine Journal, individuals who were provided with free e-cigarettes were more likely to quit smoking compared to those who only received paper promotional materials. The study, which involved nearly 1000 smokers in the emergency rooms of six hospitals in the UK, found that those who received e-cigarettes had a 76% higher likelihood of quitting smoking.


In addition to providing e-cigarette starter kits, researchers also offered smoking cessation advice to participants and guided them to local "quit smoking services." As a control group, some individuals only received written recommendations about local "quit smoking services." The study results showed that six months later, nearly a quarter of those who received e-cigarettes reported that they had quit smoking, which was significantly higher compared to the 13% in the control group.


Research findings further demonstrate that even among individuals who use e-cigarettes but have not quit smoking, they still have a higher likelihood of trying to quit smoking compared to the control group. Their daily cigarette consumption is also lower than when they initially started using e-cigarettes. The final cessation rates for both groups are relatively low, with a cessation rate of 7.2% for those who use e-cigarettes and 4.1% for the control group, as confirmed by carbon monoxide breath tests.


Although e-cigarettes pose certain risks, they are much less harmful compared to smoking tobacco. Caitlin Notley, a research fellow at the University of East Anglia and one of the study's lead authors, stated in a press release, "We know that e-cigarettes are far less harmful than smoking tobacco, and they have been shown to help smokers quit.


Another researcher from the University of East Anglia, Ian Pope, stated: "In 2019, smoking caused nearly 75,000 deaths in the UK, making it the leading cause of preventable deaths and diseases in the country. Switching to e-cigarettes could save thousands of lives." The team believes that if their plan is widely implemented, it could help over 22,000 people successfully quit smoking every year.


In addition to supporting the use of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation tool, the trial also demonstrated the possibility of conducting interventions in hospital emergency departments. Pop said, "The emergency department provides an opportunity to reach those who may not have the motivation to quit smoking, or may lack the knowledge or resources to access 'quit smoking services'." Most participants in the trial lived in impoverished areas, where more people are unemployed or unable to work due to illness or disability, so this approach could potentially help more disadvantaged communities."


Lion Shahab, co-director of the Tobacco and Alcohol Research Group at University College London, praised the study, describing it as a way to achieve "brief interventions" that can be easily implemented within existing healthcare services to make use of waiting times. The researcher, who was not involved in the trial, stated in a press release that this approach could have a positive impact on reducing health inequalities.


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