Hakka Korea Reveals Testing Results of Medicinal Nicotine Liquid

Business by 2FIRSTS.ai
Hakka Korea Reveals Testing Results of Medicinal Nicotine Liquid
Top South Korean e-cigarette brand Hakka Korea revealed testing results for medical-grade natural nicotine used in its products.

According to a report by South Korean media outlet "NEWS 1" on May 10th, top Korean e-cigarette brand Hakka Korea revealed the results of testing the liquid ingredients of all its products, which contain pharmaceutical-grade natural nicotine. Hakka e-cigarette uses only USP-grade natural nicotine in all its liquid products. USP stands for the United States Pharmacopeia and indicates whether a substance meets the standards set by the USP. According to the testing of Hakka's natural nicotine, it was found that impurities, heavy metals, specific rotation, and all other elements meet the USP grade standards.


In response, an official from Hakka Korean stated, "In order to provide the best alternative, Hakka only uses natural nicotine, and all liquids meet all USP standards," and added, "We will continue to strive to provide good quality.


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