Major Haul of Illegal E-cigarettes and Tobacco Seized in Wrexham

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Major Haul of Illegal E-cigarettes and Tobacco Seized in Wrexham
Illegal e-cigarette and tobacco products were seized in a retailer in Wrexham, supported by North Wales police.

Recently, according to a report by Wrexham, officials from the Public Protection Services Department of the Wrexham City Council discovered a significant amount of illegal e-cigarettes and tobacco at a retail store, receiving support from the North Wales Police. These illicit products were openly being sold on the shelves and counters.


According to the seized information, this illegal shipment included over 600 disposable e-cigarettes, nearly 4 kilograms of loose tobacco (enough to roll 4000 cigarettes), and close to 700 packs of cigarettes. This operation follows a large-scale seizure in September at The Vape Shop on the high street, which has since been ordered to close by the court.


Senator Terry Evans expressed his concern about the alarming presence of these products being sold in the city center. The confiscated e-cigarettes are often found to be illegal, as they exceed the maximum permissible nicotine content, have oversized specifications, and have not been properly registered with the appropriate authorities.


Senator Evans emphasizes the need to take all necessary measures to protect our community, especially young people, and encourages anyone with information on illegal e-cigarette or tobacco activities to come forward and report it.


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