New Zealand Chief Minister Proposes Reforms on Tobacco Tax

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New Zealand Chief Minister Proposes Reforms on Tobacco Tax
New Zealand Chief Minister Casey Costello proposes freezing tobacco tax and reducing taxes in a memo calling for smoke-free reforms.

The New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation (RNZ) reported on February 1st that New Zealand Prime Minister Casey Costello proposed freezing tobacco excise tax and included suggestions for tax reduction in a memorandum submitted to the Ministry of Health regarding the reform of smoke-free regulations.


The memorandum also suggests implementing a zero consumption tax on tobacco products, including Philip Morris' new product, IQOS. It compares the risks of nicotine to those of caffeine, emphasizing that e-cigarettes are an effective means of reducing the number of smokers. The memorandum further highlights the challenges faced by the tobacco industry and calls for the creation of safer alternatives, such as e-cigarettes, to address these challenges.


New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has announced that the government has raised the excise tax on cigarettes. However, proposals contained in the Costello memorandum have sparked controversy over New Zealand's smoke-free policy, particularly the recommendations regarding tobacco excise tax and tax reductions.


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