Notice on Collection of Clues about Counterfeit E-Cigarettes in Shenzhen

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Notice on Collection of Clues about Counterfeit E-Cigarettes in Shenzhen
Shenzhen Tobacco Monopoly Bureau launches crackdown on counterfeit e-cigarette activities with "Spring Thunder 2024" special operation.

On March 18, the Shenzhen Tobacco Monopoly Bureau issued a notice soliciting clues on the illegal production and sale of counterfeit e-cigarettes. The notice stated that in order to further consolidate the achievements of e-cigarette regulatory enforcement, continue to increase efforts to govern illegal e-cigarettes, crack down on counterfeit and shoddy activities related to e-cigarettes, effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of market entities and the health and safety of the people, and safeguard national interests and consumer interests, the Shenzhen Tobacco Monopoly Bureau will organize a special action called "Spring Thunder 2024" from March 1 to May 31 in the city to crack down on counterfeit e-cigarettes.

Notice on Collection of Clues about Counterfeit E-Cigarettes in Shenzhen
Image source: Shenzhen Tobacco Monopoly Bureau


The Shenzhen Tobacco Monopoly Bureau is now seeking leads from the general public on illegal production and sale of counterfeit e-cigarettes. Tipsters can call the Tobacco Market Supervision Hotline at 12313 or report through the "Tobacco 12313" WeChat mini program. Reports should specify the specific illegal activities. The bureau will strictly protect the identity of informants and provide rewards for verified reports in accordance with relevant regulations.


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