Overview of Tobacco Consumption in Kazakhstan: Trends and Preferences

Industry Insight by 2FIRSTS.ai
Overview of Tobacco Consumption in Kazakhstan: Trends and Preferences
Industrial-manufactured cigarettes remain dominant in tobacco consumption with about 11.9 million units, a 3.9% decrease from 2022, according to eKaraganda.kz.

According to a report from the website EKaraganda.kz in Kazakhstan, industrial manufactured cigarettes continue to dominate the usage of tobacco products, with approximately 11.9 million units, representing a 3.9% decrease compared to 2022.


In addition, homemade cigarettes (255,500), cigars and cigarillos (234,800), tobacco heating systems (228,500), e-cigarettes (136,500), pipes (74,900), and water pipes (24,500) are also quite popular.


Among them, men are more passionate about industrially-manufactured cigarettes, cigars, and cigarillos, while women tend to prefer homemade cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and tobacco heating systems. The proportion of hookah enthusiasts is equal among men and women.


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