Rapid Increase in Nicotine Dependence in Russia

Market by 2FIRSTS.ai
Rapid Increase in Nicotine Dependence in Russia
The proportion of nicotine-dependent e-cigarette users in Russia has nearly doubled in the past four years, according to a SuperJob survey.

According to a report by Gubdaily on September 27, a survey conducted by job search service SuperJob revealed that the proportion of nicotine addicts who vape e-cigarettes has nearly doubled in the past four years. The study involved 500 company representatives and 2,500 economically active individuals in Russia.


21% of respondents exclusively use e-cigarettes, while 16% of respondents use both e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes. In 2019, these numbers were only 8% and 12% respectively. The proportion of females (33%) using e-cigarettes is higher than that of males (14%), with those under the age of 34 being the most inclined towards e-cigarettes. Russians aged 45 and above prefer traditional tobacco products such as cigarettes, cigars, and pipes.


A survey conducted by Romyr Company on September 4th reveals that if the price of cigarettes increases, Russians are prepared to turn to illegal tobacco purchases. The survey findings show that if cigarette prices were to rise by 10%, 61% of respondents would consider switching to illicit products.


Starting from June 1st this year, several measures restricting the sales of e-cigarettes came into effect. Furthermore, as of March 1st, 2024, the sale of e-cigarettes containing aromatic additives will be completely prohibited.


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