Russia Considers Banning E-cigarettes to Protect Public Health

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Russia Considers Banning E-cigarettes to Protect Public Health
Russian lawmaker proposes complete ban on e-cigarettes due to growing number of users and potential health risks.

According to a report from the Russian parliamentary newspaper on November 15th, Yaroslav Nilov, the Chairman of the Social Policy Committee of the Russian State Duma, stated that despite various restrictive measures, the number of e-cigarette users in Russia is still growing, and therefore more aggressive actions should be taken.


As a co-author of the bill, Nilo proposes a complete ban on the sale of e-liquid containing both nicotine and nicotine-free compounds, as well as the devices used for their consumption.


According to sources, it has been revealed that in the coming weeks, this proposal will be sent for governmental review and is expected to be presented to the National Duma. E-cigarettes have been promoted as a safer alternative to conventional tobacco, but according to the remarks provided by the author of the proposal, the harm caused by e-cigarettes to the health of users and those around them is irreparable.


The complete ban on e-cigarettes would lead to a loss of some revenue for the Russian budget, "but safeguarding the health of the nation, particularly young people, is more important for the country's future," stated Nilov.


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