Russian Health Ministry to Publish List of Prohibited E-Cigarette Flavouring Additives by Sept. 1

Regulations by Jacky Yin
Russian Health Ministry to Publish List of Prohibited E-Cigarette Flavouring Additives by Sept. 1
The Russian Ministry of Health plans to draw up a list of flavouring additives to be banned in e-cigarette liquids by September 1.

The Russian Ministry of Health plans to complete the list of prohibited flavouring additives in e-cigarette oils by September 1, the parliamentary newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta said, citing the press service of the United Russia party.

On April 11 this year, the State Duma adopted a law banning certain flavouring additives in e-cigarettes. According to the explanation of Maxim Topilin, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, the government should approve the corresponding banned list by September 1st.

On July 18, at a plenary session of the State Duma, the Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko was questioned at a plenary session of the State Duma:

"How does the government plan to implement this regulation (list of flavour additives)? After all, September 1 is just around the corner."


Mikhail thanked the State Duma for adopting the law, adding that efforts to combat the problem of smoking must continue. He said that by 1 September, the list will be published and added:

"Our committee group is working on this issue. If you are interested, you can join it."


Artem Metelev, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Youth Policy, noted on social media that it would be best for the Ministry of Health to ban flavour additives.

"Expect important decisions from the Ministry of Health. Why? To remove from the market the additive substances that are most attractive to consumers causing nicotine addiction."



【1】В Минздраве к 1 сентября определят запрещенные ароматизаторы для вейпов

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